Friday 19 July 2013

General Ramblings of the senseless....

So I have lots to write & talk about this week – this will be quite a lengthy post with many random topics; I’ll try to keep your interest.

As a future game designer I spend a lot of my time on the internet, playing games, watching streams of games, reading reviews & so on. My most noticeable view lately is that, there just aren’t enough games to capture the attention as of late – Not to say there aren’t any, there’s just not enough. I primarily talk of multiplayer games as that is what I play the most over the last few years, and I have now come to the realization that I, again, need to improve my game base. I used to play everything as a child/teen but as the years went by nothing really capture my attention, at least not enough to make me come back or leave me speechless. I need to play MORE, more single player, more genres, more indie games – Especially as a budding designer.

A game that has had my brain working overtime lately is Evoland. This game has one of the most amazing ideas I have seen, especially from an indie game. The game plays In sorts of an unlock able history of games. You, the player, unlock features throughout chests in the game, such as 16bit graphics, 16bit sounds, and 3D graphics and so on. This idea has me thinking of all the possibilities that could be made to a bigger effect ideally and I’ve been enthralled by it.
Onto the next note; The steam summer sale. This is pretty much the #1 thing all PC gamers await every year. I do have to say that some of the offers are very hard to pass up on and are a damn right steal. However, they are very lack lustre this year and seemingly the same as the year before and the year before that. Most PC gamers will have brought the majority of these games in past sales and nothing has really captured the attention of “An amazing deal” for the most part. This is a shame and I hope Valve step up their game for the remaining few days of the sale.

Esports is a huge industry of sorts. I am a big fan of watching the streams of my favourite players from different games hash it out and the crowds that support them offer a thrill akin to modern sports. The industry is growing bigger by the year which bodes well for the gaming industry as a hole. But I often wonder, with the lack of PVP (player Vs player games) being diverse as such – the MOBA/ARTS scene is taking over – will it eventually bring the downfall of eSports? Fighting games play a role in this scene as well as traditional RTS titles but there’s not a huge diverse option for competitive differences to be brought to the industry, something new needs to help spark the scene more.

The next generation of game consoles is drawing near fast and I’m eagerly awaiting more news to be released.  With titles such as Watch Dogs and Titan Fall being showcased it brings up the question of how powerful the systems really are, more so in comparison to PC’s. How powerful will my PC have to be to play these games at a comparable graphics setting to the next gen consoles? Will there be much difference? I’ve always found PC gaming to be undervalued, the games that are released have always been held back by the current gen consoles, mostly in terms of graphical playability – PC’s are rarely tested to their full potential nowadays & limits the player base of game exclusive such as The Last of Us or upcoming titles like Watch Dogs.

I'll stop the ramblings now as i could write for days and days about random things to do with games. I am eagerly awaiting my next year at university so i can start updating the blog with useful design ideas/work & so on.

                                                   Curiosity is the engine of achievement

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